Friday, October 8, 2010

Tanzania: ... relaxing and forgetting everything around you on Mafia Island

... have you ever dreamed of paradise? Of white fine sand beaches, crystal blue clear water, a warm breeze, palm trees and nature everywhere around you? I have... and we have found this paradise on Mafia Island south of Zanzibar in Tanzania during our honeymoon.

Pole Pole is the the name of the resort we spent 5 days and nights at in total peace, quietness, with delicious food, beautiful scuba dives and time to read, to talk, to remain silent, to sleep and to find time for our selves...

Look below and get inspired: Mafia definitely is a place to discover NOW with its approximately 5 accommodation possibilities. The rest of the island is nature and just belongs to the inhabitants. Mafia is still far away from the big tourism and this makes this place paradise...

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