Thursday, October 28, 2010

Casablanca: ...and my new moroccan tile table...

Since living in Casablanca I always wanted to have a typical moroccan tile table. There exist hundreds of these beautiful tables in all kind of sizes and colours, that it's rather difficult to decide for one...

Well, this one we bought in Rabat at the 'Complexe des potiers Oulja' in one of the little shops. These tables, even the small ones are damn heavy. So be careful when trying to carry one around yourself! The metal feet were originally in a rusty brown and the metal ring around the tiles and the cement painted in a black. So I just overpainted everything with a shiny white colour so that the little table would better fit into its surroundings.... and here we go. What do you think?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rabat: Impressions from the Marché Central in Rabat

Casablanca: ... Casa from above...

Have you ever taken the chance to see Casa from above? Well, in case you haven't, here are some pictures from the 16th floor of some office building...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Casablanca: ... and the story with the little frog

Have you ever bought flowers on a market and found a little sweet green frog afterwards in your car when you picked them up to bring them into your house? Well, I haven't until now, but exactly this happened to me the other day here in Casa...

And there he was ... just sitting in my car. A bit anxious and keeping totally quiet. So I took him carefully on my hand to put him on the grass, but obviously the little frog preferred staying on my arm... So I carried all the shopping into the house - with the frog on my arm - showed him to Khadija, did a little photo session with him and finally forced him to leave my warm skin and put him to sit instead on a big leave in our garden...

He stayed there for a couple of hours but was finally gone.... I wonder who he really was...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tanzania: ... and another beautiful tented camp:

Another just stunning place is the "maramboi tented camp" next to the Tarangire nationalpark. You live in real tents but you are having all the comfort of a very nice hotel room. And the best thing about it is that you can sit on your terrace, drink a cold beer and enjoy observing the zebras which graze 5m away from you:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tanzania: ... yes, this is the airport of Mafia island.

... ah, I didn't want to hold back a picture of Mafia's airport neither...

... nor from the lovely airport-lounge. Cosy, hm? What do you think?

Tanzania: ... relaxing and forgetting everything around you on Mafia Island

... have you ever dreamed of paradise? Of white fine sand beaches, crystal blue clear water, a warm breeze, palm trees and nature everywhere around you? I have... and we have found this paradise on Mafia Island south of Zanzibar in Tanzania during our honeymoon.

Pole Pole is the the name of the resort we spent 5 days and nights at in total peace, quietness, with delicious food, beautiful scuba dives and time to read, to talk, to remain silent, to sleep and to find time for our selves...

Look below and get inspired: Mafia definitely is a place to discover NOW with its approximately 5 accommodation possibilities. The rest of the island is nature and just belongs to the inhabitants. Mafia is still far away from the big tourism and this makes this place paradise...

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