Thursday, December 16, 2010

Casablanca: ... and collecting some firewood

Do you know these kind of days: you have an electrician or someone else in your house to have something fixed which is again not working and then one thing is leading to another....
In my case I had a 'ramoneur' at my place who should clean the chimney. He did very well for 500DHS and if you should need one, here is number: 0671214768.

Well, cleaning the chimney was of course not all he was offering: after demonstrating me how to lighten a fire properly he wanted to show me where the best firewood in Casablanca is sold. And I desperately needed some, especially small one to get the fire running.
And so, off we went in my car, 15 km north of Casa direction Rabat on the motorway until we passed by some slums and finally arrived at a very big junk yard. After we left the car behind because the road was in such a bad condition, we reached the announced fire wood selling place where I ordered 100kg of fine cut dry fire wood.

Do you see the man working on the big machine: he cut all the wood, of course WITHOUT any protection for his hands....

Finally, after 2 hours - as everything here in Morocco takes its time - I was driving back in my car with all the wood in the trunk. And guess what: the fire in our fireplace is now burning properly...

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